"تجمع خبرتك السابقة ورؤيتك الفريدة للمستقبل لوحة فنية تشكل خريطة طريقك نحو التفوق.
إن التناغم بين المهارات التي اكتسبتها وتصوّرك الاستراتيجي يشكلان أساس نجاحك. إنها
رحلة تستحق كل جهد، ونحن متحمسون لدعمك في تحقيق طموحاتك وتحويل رؤيتك إلى واقع ملهم."
Prof. Hany N. Yousef is a Professor of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University. He is also the Head of Training and Technical Support Department, Central eLearning unit, Ain Shams University and the director of IT and e-learning units at Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University. Prof. Yousef holds certifications as a certified trainer from the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, a trainer at the Training and Development Center of Ain Shams University, and an external auditor from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation. Up to 15 years of experiences in field of capacity building and developing and delivering training programs for focusing on several aspects related to digital transformation and integrating ICT in teaching practices such as: Egyptian Knowledge Bank, E-learning, online teaching skills, hybrid learning and e-assessment. Participated as a core member in some international projects aiming at building the capacity of teachers in the field of ICT such as: the national project "Empowering Higher Education Institutions for Digital Teaching and Learning in Egypt" conducted by UNESCO-ICHEI and IIOE Egypt & the Project of training and qualifying teacher for E-Learning (Hybrid Learning) implemented by UNICEF in cooperation with Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University. Additionally, he has provided training on a range of subjects, such as Teaching with Technology and Reference Managers (Endnote and Mendeley). Dr. Yousef co-authored several school books for the Arab Republic of Egypt and some Arab countries (one of them is the current Biology Book for 1st-Secondary in Egypt).